Introduction ============ .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 2 reference Telepot helps you build applications for `Telegram Bot API `_. It works on Python 3. For Python 3.5+, it also has an `async version <#async-version-python-3-5>`_ based on `asyncio `_. Common and straight-forward features are too trivial to worth listing. Please check the telepot reference to know what this libray does in depth. For more unique and novel features, I cannot find standard terms to describe them. The best way to experience telepot is by reading this page and going through the `examples `_. Let's go. .. contents:: :local: Installation ------------ pip:: $ pip install telepota $ pip install telepota --upgrade # UPGRADE easy_install:: $ easy_install telepota $ easy_install --upgrade telepota # UPGRADE Get a token ----------- To use the `Telegram Bot API `_, you first have to `get a bot account `_ by `chatting with BotFather `_. BotFather will give you a **token**, something like ``123456789:ABCdefGhIJKlmNoPQRsTUVwxyZ``. With the token in hand, you can start using telepot to access the bot account. Test the account ---------------- :: >>> import telepot >>> bot = telepot.Bot('***** PUT YOUR TOKEN HERE *****') >>> bot.getMe() {'first_name': 'Your Bot', 'username': 'YourBot', 'id': 123456789} Receive messages ---------------- Bots cannot initiate conversations with users. You have to send it a message first. Get the message by calling :meth:`.Bot.getUpdates`:: >>> from pprint import pprint >>> response = bot.getUpdates() >>> pprint(response) [{'message': {'chat': {'first_name': 'Nick', 'id': 999999999, 'type': 'private'}, 'date': 1465283242, 'from': {'first_name': 'Nick', 'id': 999999999}, 'message_id': 10772, 'text': 'Hello'}, 'update_id': 100000000}] ``999999999`` is obviously a fake id. ``Nick`` is my real name, though. The ``chat`` field represents the conversation. Its ``type`` can be ``private``, ``group``, or ``channel`` (whose meanings should be obvious, I hope). Above, ``Nick`` just sent a ``private`` message to the bot. According to Bot API, the method `getUpdates `_ returns an array of `Update `_ objects. As you can see, an Update object is nothing more than a Python dictionary. In telepot, **Bot API objects are represented as dictionary.** Note the ``update_id``. It is an ever-increasing number. Next time you should use ``getUpdates(offset=100000001)`` to avoid getting the same old messages over and over. Giving an ``offset`` essentially acknowledges to the server that you have received all ``update_id``\s lower than ``offset``:: >>> bot.getUpdates(offset=100000001) [] An easier way to receive messages --------------------------------- It is troublesome to keep checking messages while managing ``offset``. Let telepot take care of the mundane stuff and notify you whenever new messages arrive:: >>> from telepot.loop import MessageLoop >>> def handle(msg): ... pprint(msg) ... >>> MessageLoop(bot, handle).run_as_thread() After setting this up, send it a few messages. Sit back and monitor the messages arriving. Send a message -------------- Sooner or later, your bot will want to send *you* messages. You should have discovered your own user id from above interactions. I will keep using my fake id of ``999999999``. Remember to substitute your own (real) id:: >>> bot.sendMessage(999999999, 'Hey!') Quickly ``glance`` a message ---------------------------- When processing a message, a few pieces of information are so central that you almost always have to extract them. Use :func:`telepot.glance` to extract "headline info". Try this skeleton, a bot which echoes what you said:: import sys import time import telepot from telepot.loop import MessageLoop def handle(msg): content_type, chat_type, chat_id = telepot.glance(msg) print(content_type, chat_type, chat_id) if content_type == 'text': bot.sendMessage(chat_id, msg['text']) TOKEN = sys.argv[1] # get token from command-line bot = telepot.Bot(TOKEN) MessageLoop(bot, handle).run_as_thread() print ('Listening ...') # Keep the program running. while 1: time.sleep(10) It is a good habit to always check ``content_type`` before further processing. Do not assume every message is a ``text``. Custom Keyboard and Inline Keyboard ----------------------------------- Besides sending messages back and forth, Bot API allows richer interactions with `custom keyboard `_ and `inline keyboard `_. Both can be specified with the parameter ``reply_markup`` in :meth:`.Bot.sendMessage`. The module :mod:`telepot.namedtuple` provides namedtuple classes for easier construction of these keyboards. Pressing a button on a *custom* keyboard results in a `Message `_ object sent to the bot, which is no different from a regular chat message composed by typing. Pressing a button on an *inline* keyboard results in a `CallbackQuery `_ object sent to the bot, which we have to distinguish from a Message object. Here comes the concept of **flavor**. Message has a Flavor -------------------- Regardless of the type of objects received, telepot generically calls them "message" (with a lowercase "m"). A message's *flavor* depends on the underlying object: - a Message object gives the flavor ``chat`` - a CallbackQuery object gives the flavor ``callback_query`` - there are two more flavors, which you will come to shortly. Use :func:`telepot.flavor` to check a message's flavor. Here is a bot which does two things: - When you send it a message, it gives you an inline keyboard. - When you press a button on the inline keyboard, it says "Got it". Pay attention to these things in the code: - How I use namedtuple to construct an `InlineKeyboardMarkup `_ and an `InlineKeyboardButton `_ object - :func:`telepot.glance` works on any type of messages. Just give it the flavor. - Use :meth:`.Bot.answerCallbackQuery` to react to callback query - To *route* messages according to flavor, give a *routing table* to :class:`.MessageLoop` .. literalinclude:: _code/ :emphasize-lines: 10,11,12,17,20,25,26 Inline Query ------------ So far, the bot has been operating in a chat - private, group, or channel. In a private chat, Alice talks to Bot. Simple enough. In a group chat, Alice, Bot, and Charlie share the same group. As the humans gossip in the group, Bot hears selected messages (depending on whether in `privacy mode `_ or not) and may chime in once in a while. `Inline query `_ is a totally different mode of operations. Imagine this. Alice wants to recommend a restaurant to Zach, but she can't remember the location right off her head. *Inside the chat screen with Zach*, Alice types ``@Bot where is my favorite restaurant``, issuing an inline query to Bot, like asking Bot a question. Bot gives back a list of answers; Alice can choose one of them - as she taps on an answer, that answer is sent to Zach as a chat message. In this case, Bot never takes part in the conversation. Instead, *Bot acts as an assistant*, ready to give you talking materials. For every answer Alice chooses, Bot gets notified with a *chosen inline result*. To enable a bot to receive `InlineQuery `_, you have to send a ``/setinline`` command to BotFather. **An InlineQuery message gives the flavor** ``inline_query``. To enable a bot to receive `ChosenInlineResult `_, you have to send a ``/setinlinefeedback`` command to BotFather. **A ChosenInlineResult message gives the flavor** ``chosen_inline_result``. In this code sample, pay attention to these things: - How I use namedtuple `InlineQueryResultArticle `_ and `InputTextMessageContent `_ to construct an answer to inline query. - Use :meth:`.Bot.answerInlineQuery` to send back answers .. literalinclude:: _code/ :emphasize-lines: 11-15,19 However, this has a small problem. As you types and pauses, types and pauses, types and pauses ... closely bunched inline queries arrive. In fact, a new inline query often arrives *before* we finish processing a preceding one. With only a single thread of execution, we can only process the closely bunched inline queries sequentially. Ideally, whenever we see a new inline query coming from the same user, it should override and cancel any preceding inline queries being processed (that belong to the same user). My solution is this. An :class:`.Answerer` takes an inline query, inspects its ``from`` ``id`` (the originating user id), and checks to see whether that user has an *unfinished* thread processing a preceding inline query. If there is, the unfinished thread will be cancelled before a new thread is spawned to process the latest inline query. In other words, an :class:`.Answerer` ensures **at most one** active inline-query-processing thread per user. :class:`.Answerer` also frees you from having to call :meth:`.Bot.answerInlineQuery` every time. You supply it with a *compute function*. It takes that function's returned value and calls :meth:`.Bot.answerInlineQuery` to send the results. Being accessible by multiple threads, the compute function must be **thread-safe**. .. literalinclude:: _code/ :emphasize-lines: 22,31 Maintain Threads of Conversation -------------------------------- So far, we have been using a single line of execution to handle messages. That is adequate for simple programs. For more sophisticated programs where states need to be maintained across messages, a better approach is needed. Consider this scenario. A bot wants to have an intelligent conversation with a lot of users, and if we could only use a single line of execution to handle messages (like what we have done so far), we would have to maintain some state variables about each conversation *outside* the message-handling function(s). On receiving each message, we first have to check whether the user already has a conversation started, and if so, what we have been talking about. To avoid such mundaneness, we need a structured way to maintain "threads" of conversation. Let's look at my solution. Here, I implemented a bot that counts how many messages have been sent by an individual user. If no message is received after 10 seconds, it starts over (timeout). The counting is done *per chat* - that's the important point. .. literalinclude:: _code/ :emphasize-lines: 18-21 A :class:`.DelegatorBot` is able to spawn *delegates*. Above, it is spawning one ``MessageCounter`` *per chat id*. Also noteworthy is :func:`.pave_event_space()`. To kill itself after 10 seconds of inactivity, the delegate schedules a timeout event. For events to work, we need to prepare an *event space*. Detailed explanation of the delegation mechanism (e.g. how and when a ``MessageCounter`` is created, and why) is beyond the scope here. Please refer to :class:`.DelegatorBot`. Inline Handler per User ----------------------- You may also want to answer inline query differently depending on user. When Alice asks Bot "Where is my favorite restaurant?", Bot should give a different answer than when Charlie asks the same question. In the code sample below, pay attention to these things: - :class:`.AnswererMixin` adds an :class:`.Answerer` instance to the object - :func:`.per_inline_from_id` ensures one instance of :class:`QueryCounter` per originating user .. literalinclude:: _code/ :emphasize-lines: 8,31,41 Async Version (Python 3.5+) --------------------------- Everything discussed so far assumes traditional Python. That is, network operations are blocking; if you want to serve many users at the same time, some kind of threads are usually needed. Another option is to use an asynchronous or event-driven framework, such as `Twisted `_. Python 3.5+ has its own ``asyncio`` module. Telepot supports that, too. Here is how to compile and install Python 3.6, if your O/S does not have it built in:: $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get upgrade $ sudo apt-get install libssl-dev openssl libreadline-dev $ cd ~ $ wget $ tar zxf Python-3.6.1.tgz $ cd Python-3.6.1 $ ./configure $ make $ sudo make install Finally:: $ pip3.6 install telepot In case you are not familiar with asynchronous programming, let's start by learning about generators and coroutines: - `'yield' and Generators Explained `_ - `Sequences and Coroutines `_ ... why we want asynchronous programming: - `Problem: Threads Are Bad `_ ... how generators and coroutines are applied to asynchronous programming: - `Understanding Asynchronous IO `_ - `A Curious Course on Coroutines and Concurrency `_ ... and how an asyncio program is generally structured: - `The New asyncio Module in Python 3.4 `_ - `Event loop examples `_ - `HTTP server and client `_ Telepot's async version basically mirrors the traditional version. Main differences are: - blocking methods are now coroutines, and should be called with ``await`` - delegation is achieved by tasks, instead of threads Because of that (and this is true of asynchronous Python in general), a lot of methods will not work in the interactive Python interpreter like regular functions would. They will have to be driven by an event loop. Async version is under module :mod:`telepot.aio`. I duplicate the message counter example below in async style: - Substitute async version of relevant classes and functions - Use ``async/await`` to perform asynchronous operations - Use :meth:`.MessageLoop.run_forever` instead of :meth:`.run_as_thread` .. literalinclude:: _code/ :emphasize-lines: 4-5,7,12-14,24 `More Examples ยป `_ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------