telepot reference

Telepot has two versions:

  • Traditional version works on Python 3. It uses urllib3 to make HTTP requests, and uses threads to achieve delegation by default.
  • Async version works on Python 3.5 or above. It is based on asyncio, uses aiohttp to make asynchronous HTTP requests, and uses asyncio tasks to achieve delegation.

This page focuses on traditional version. Async version is very similar, the most significant differences being:

  • Blocking methods (mostly network operations) become coroutines, and should be called with await.
  • Delegation is achieved by tasks, instead of threads. Thread-safety ceases to be a concern.

Traditional modules are under the package telepot, while async modules are under telepot.aio:

Traditional Async
telepot telepot.aio
telepot.loop telepot.aio.loop
telepot.delegate telepot.aio.delegate
telepot.helper telepot.aio.helper
telepot.routing telepot.aio.routing
telepot.api telepot.aio.api

Some modules do not have async counterparts, e.g. telepot.namedtuple and telepot.exception, because they are shared.

Try to combine this reading with the provided examples . One example is worth a thousand words. I hope they make things clear.

Basic Bot

The Bot class is mostly a wrapper around Telegram Bot API. Many methods are straight mappings to Bot API methods. Where appropriate, I only give links below. No point to duplicate all the details.

class telepot.Bot(token)[source]
class Scheduler[source]
class Event(timestamp, data)

Create new instance of Event(timestamp, data)


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

event_at(when, data)[source]

Schedule some data to emit at an absolute timestamp.

Returns:an internal Event object
event_later(delay, data)[source]

Schedule some data to emit after a number of seconds.

Returns:an internal Event object

Emit some data as soon as possible.

Returns:an internal Event object

Cancel an event.


Method representing the thread’s activity.

You may override this method in a subclass. The standard run() method invokes the callable object passed to the object’s constructor as the target argument, if any, with sequential and keyword arguments taken from the args and kwargs arguments, respectively.



sendMessage(chat_id, text, parse_mode=None, entities=None, allow_sending_without_reply=None, disable_web_page_preview=None, disable_notification=None, reply_to_message_id=None, reply_markup=None)[source]


forwardMessage(chat_id, from_chat_id, message_id, disable_notification=None)[source]


sendPhoto(chat_id, photo, entities=None, allow_sending_without_reply=None, caption=None, parse_mode=None, disable_notification=None, reply_to_message_id=None, reply_markup=None)[source]


  • string: file_id for a photo existing on Telegram servers
  • string: HTTP URL of a photo from the Internet
  • file-like object: obtained by open(path, 'rb')
  • tuple: (filename, file-like object). If the filename contains non-ASCII characters.
sendAudio(chat_id, audio, caption=None, parse_mode=None, entities=None, allow_sending_without_reply=None, duration=None, performer=None, title=None, disable_notification=None, reply_to_message_id=None, reply_markup=None)[source]


Parameters:audio – Same as photo in telepot.Bot.sendPhoto()
sendDocument(chat_id, document, thumb=None, caption=None, caption_entities=None, disable_content_type_detection=None, parse_mode=None, entities=None, disable_notification=None, reply_to_message_id=None, allow_sending_without_reply=None, reply_markup=None)[source]


Parameters:document – Same as photo in telepot.Bot.sendPhoto()
sendVideo(chat_id, video, duration=None, width=None, height=None, caption=None, parse_mode=None, entities=None, allow_sending_without_reply=None, supports_streaming=None, disable_notification=None, reply_to_message_id=None, reply_markup=None)[source]


Parameters:video – Same as photo in telepot.Bot.sendPhoto()
sendAnimation(chat_id, animation, duration=None, width=None, height=None, thumb=None, caption=None, parse_mode=None, entities=None, allow_sending_without_reply=None, disable_notification=None, reply_to_message_id=None, reply_markup=None)[source]


Parameters:animation – Same as photo in telepot.Bot.sendPhoto()
sendVoice(chat_id, voice, caption=None, parse_mode=None, entities=None, allow_sending_without_reply=None, duration=None, disable_notification=None, reply_to_message_id=None, reply_markup=None)[source]


Parameters:voice – Same as photo in telepot.Bot.sendPhoto()
sendVideoNote(chat_id, video_note, duration=None, length=None, allow_sending_without_reply=None, disable_notification=None, reply_to_message_id=None, reply_markup=None)[source]


  • video_note – Same as photo in telepot.Bot.sendPhoto()
  • length – Although marked as optional, this method does not seem to work without it being specified. Supply any integer you want. It seems to have no effect on the video note’s display size.
sendMediaGroup(chat_id, media, disable_notification=None, reply_to_message_id=None, allow_sending_without_reply=None)[source]


Parameters:media (array of InputMedia objects) –

To indicate media locations, each InputMedia object’s media field should be one of these:

  • string: file_id for a file existing on Telegram servers
  • string: HTTP URL of a file from the Internet
  • file-like object: obtained by open(path, 'rb')
  • tuple: (form-data name, file-like object)
  • tuple: (form-data name, (filename, file-like object))

In case of uploading, you may supply customized multipart/form-data names for each uploaded file (as in last 2 options above). Otherwise, telepot assigns unique names to each uploaded file. Names assigned by telepot will not collide with user-supplied names, if any.

editMessageMedia(msg_identifier, media, inline_message_id=None, reply_markup=None)[source]


  • msg_identifier – Same as in Bot.editMessageText()
  • media – Same as in Bot.sendMedia()
  • inline_message_id – self explanatory`
copyMessage(chat_id, from_chat_id, message_id, caption=None, caption_entities=None, reply_to_message_id=None, allow_sending_without_reply=None, disable_notification=None, parse_mode=None, reply_markup=None)[source]


sendLocation(chat_id, latitude, longitude, live_period=None, horizontal_accuracy=None, heading=None, proximity_alert_radius=None, allow_sending_without_reply=None, disable_notification=None, reply_to_message_id=None, reply_markup=None)[source]


editMessageLiveLocation(msg_identifier, latitude, longitude, horizontal_accuracy=None, heading=None, proximity_alert_radius=None, reply_markup=None)[source]


Parameters:msg_identifier – Same as in Bot.editMessageText()
stopMessageLiveLocation(msg_identifier, reply_markup=None)[source]


Parameters:msg_identifier – Same as in Bot.editMessageText()
sendVenue(chat_id, latitude, longitude, title, address, foursquare_id=None, foursquare_type=None, google_place_id=None, google_place_type=None, disable_notification=None, reply_to_message_id=None, allow_sending_without_reply=None, reply_markup=None)[source]


sendContact(chat_id, phone_number, first_name, last_name=None, vcard=None, disable_notification=None, reply_to_message_id=None, allow_sending_without_reply=None, reply_markup=None)[source]


sendGame(chat_id, game_short_name, disable_notification=None, reply_to_message_id=None, allow_sending_without_reply=None, reply_markup=None)[source]


sendInvoice(chat_id, title, description, payload, provider_token, start_parameter, currency, prices, provider_data=None, photo_url=None, photo_size=None, photo_width=None, photo_height=None, need_name=None, need_phone_number=None, need_email=None, need_shipping_address=None, is_flexible=None, disable_notification=None, reply_to_message_id=None, allow_sending_without_reply=None, reply_markup=None)[source]


sendChatAction(chat_id, action)[source]


getUserProfilePhotos(user_id, offset=None, limit=None)[source]







kickChatMember(chat_id, user_id, until_date=None, revoke_messages=None)[source]


unbanChatMember(chat_id, user_id, only_if_banned=None)[source]


restrictChatMember(chat_id, user_id, permissions, until_date=None)[source]


promoteChatMember(chat_id, user_id, is_anonymous=None, can_manage_chat=None, can_manage_voice_chats=None, can_change_info=None, can_post_messages=None, can_edit_messages=None, can_delete_messages=None, can_invite_users=None, can_restrict_members=None, can_pin_messages=None, can_promote_members=None)[source]







setChatAdministratorCustomTitle(chat_id, user_id, custom_title)[source]




setChatPhoto(chat_id, photo)[source]




setChatTitle(chat_id, title)[source]


setChatDescription(chat_id, description=None)[source]


pinChatMessage(chat_id, message_id, disable_notification=None)[source]


unpinChatMessage(chat_id, message_id=None)[source]












getChatMember(chat_id, user_id)[source]


setChatStickerSet(chat_id, sticker_set_name)[source]




answerCallbackQuery(callback_query_id, text=None, show_alert=None, url=None, cache_time=None)[source]


answerShippingQuery(shipping_query_id, ok, shipping_options=None, error_message=None)[source]


answerPreCheckoutQuery(pre_checkout_query_id, ok, error_message=None)[source]


editMessageText(msg_identifier, text, parse_mode=None, entities=None, disable_web_page_preview=None, reply_markup=None)[source]


Parameters:msg_identifier – a 2-tuple (chat_id, message_id), a 1-tuple (inline_message_id), or simply inline_message_id. You may extract this value easily with telepot.message_identifier()
editMessageCaption(msg_identifier, caption=None, entities=None, parse_mode=None, reply_markup=None)[source]


Parameters:msg_identifier – Same as msg_identifier in telepot.Bot.editMessageText()
editMessageReplyMarkup(msg_identifier, reply_markup=None)[source]


Parameters:msg_identifier – Same as msg_identifier in telepot.Bot.editMessageText()


Parameters:msg_identifier – Same as msg_identifier in telepot.Bot.editMessageText(), except this method does not work on inline messages.
sendPoll(chat_id, question, options, is_anonymous=None, type=None, allows_multiple_answers=None, entities=None, allow_sending_without_reply=None, correct_option_id=None, explanation=None, explanation_parse_mode=None, open_period=None, close_date=None, is_closed=None, disable_notification=None, reply_to_message_id=None, reply_markup=None)[source]


stopPoll(msg_identifier, reply_markup=None)[source]


Parameters:msg_identifier – Same as msg_identifier in telepot.Bot.editMessageText()
sendDice(chat_id, text, emoji=None, disable_notification=None, reply_to_message_id=None, allow_sending_without_reply=None, reply_markup=None)[source]

Choose between different animations (dice, darts, basketball) by specifying the emoji parameter See:

sendSticker(chat_id, sticker, disable_notification=None, reply_to_message_id=None, allow_sending_without_reply=None, reply_markup=None)[source]


Parameters:sticker – Same as photo in telepot.Bot.sendPhoto()


uploadStickerFile(user_id, png_sticker)[source]


createNewStickerSet(user_id, name, title, emojis, png_sticker=None, tgs_sticker=None, contains_masks=None, mask_position=None)[source]


addStickerToSet(user_id, name, emojis, png_sticker=None, tgs_sticker=None, mask_position=None)[source]


setStickerSetThumb(name, user_id, thumb=None)[source]


setStickerPositionInSet(sticker, position)[source]




answerInlineQuery(inline_query_id, results, cache_time=None, is_personal=None, next_offset=None, switch_pm_text=None, switch_pm_parameter=None)[source]


getUpdates(offset=None, limit=None, timeout=None, allowed_updates=None)[source]


setWebhook(url=None, ip_address=None, certificate=None, max_connections=None, allowed_updates=None, drop_pending_updates=None)[source]






setPassportDataErrors(chat_id, errors)[source]


setGameScore(user_id, score, game_message_identifier, force=None, disable_edit_message=None)[source]


Parameters:game_message_identifier – Same as msg_identifier in telepot.Bot.editMessageText()
getGameHighScores(user_id, game_message_identifier)[source]


Parameters:game_message_identifier – Same as msg_identifier in telepot.Bot.editMessageText()
download_file(file_id, dest)[source]

Download a file to local disk. :param file_id: file_id from telegram :param dest: a path or a file object

:return file bytes if destination path exists otherwise does not return anything

message_loop(callback=None, relax=0.1, timeout=20, allowed_updates=None, source=None, ordered=True, maxhold=3, run_forever=False)[source]
Deprecated:will be removed in future. Use MessageLoop instead.

Spawn a thread to constantly getUpdates or pull updates from a queue. Apply callback to every message received. Also starts the scheduler thread for internal events.

Parameters:callback – a function that takes one argument (the message), or a routing table. If None, the bot’s handle method is used.

A routing table is a dictionary of {flavor: function}, mapping messages to appropriate handler functions according to their flavors. It allows you to define functions specifically to handle one flavor of messages. It usually looks like this: {'chat': fn1, 'callback_query': fn2, 'inline_query': fn3, ...}. Each handler function should take one argument (the message).

Parameters:source – Source of updates. If None, getUpdates is used to obtain new messages from Telegram servers. If it is a synchronized queue (queue.Queue in Python 3), new messages are pulled from the queue. A web application implementing a webhook can dump updates into the queue, while the bot pulls from it. This is how telepot can be integrated with webhooks.

Acceptable contents in queue:

  • str, bytes (Python 3, decoded using UTF-8) representing a JSON-serialized Update object.
  • a dict representing an Update object.

When source is None, these parameters are meaningful:

  • relax (float) – seconds between each getUpdates
  • timeout (int) – timeout parameter supplied to telepot.Bot.getUpdates(), controlling how long to poll.
  • allowed_updates (array of string) – allowed_updates parameter supplied to telepot.Bot.getUpdates(), controlling which types of updates to receive.

When source is a queue, these parameters are meaningful:

  • ordered (bool) – If True, ensure in-order delivery of messages to callback (i.e. updates with a smaller update_id always come before those with a larger update_id). If False, no re-ordering is done. callback is applied to messages as soon as they are pulled from queue.
  • maxhold (float) – Applied only when ordered is True. The maximum number of seconds an update is held waiting for a not-yet-arrived smaller update_id. When this number of seconds is up, the update is delivered to callback even if some smaller update_ids have not yet arrived. If those smaller update_ids arrive at some later time, they are discarded.

Finally, there is this parameter, meaningful always:

Parameters:run_forever (bool or str) – If True or any non-empty string, append an infinite loop at the end of this method, so it never returns. Useful as the very last line in a program. A non-empty string will also be printed, useful as an indication that the program is listening.

Message Loop and Webhook

There are two ways to obtain updates from Telegram Bot API: make calls to Bot.getUpdates() continuously, or use webhook.

In the former case, it is troublesome to have to program that manually. So MessageLoop is here to ease your burden. In the latter case, although the programming overhead is mainly on the web server, a structured way to funnel web requests into telepot is desirable. The result is Webhook and OrderedWebhook.

The idea is similar. You supply a message-handling function to the object constructor, then use run_as_thread() to get it going. A MessageLoop makes calls to getUpdates() continuously, and apply the message-handling function to every message received. A Webhook or OrderedWebhook would not do anything by itself; you have to feed() it the new update every time the web server receives one.

In place of the message-handling function, you can supply one of the following:

  • a function that takes one argument (the message)
  • if None, the bot’s handle method is used
  • a routing table

A routing table is a dictionary of {flavor: function}, mapping messages to appropriate handler functions according to their flavors. It allows you to define functions specifically to handle one flavor of messages. It usually looks like this: {'chat': fn1, 'callback_query': fn2, 'inline_query': fn3, ...}. Each handler function should take one argument (the message).

class telepot.loop.MessageLoop(bot, handle=None)[source]
run_forever(*args, **kwargs)[source]
  • relax (float) – seconds between each getUpdates()
  • offset (int) – initial offset parameter supplied to getUpdates()
  • timeout (int) – timeout parameter supplied to getUpdates(), controlling how long to poll.
  • allowed_updates (array of string) – allowed_updates parameter supplied to getUpdates(), controlling which types of updates to receive.

Calling this method will block forever. Use run_as_thread() to run it non-blockingly.

run_as_thread(*args, **kwargs)

In practice, you should always use OrderedWebhook rather than Webhook. Updates are individual HTTP requests, and there is no guarantee of their arrival order. OrderedWebhook puts them in order (according to update_id) before applying the message-handling function. In contrast, Webhook applies the message-handling function in the order you feed them. Unless you want to implement your own ordering logic, Webhook should not be used.

In async version, a task of run_forever() should be created instead of run_as_thread().

Refer to webhook examples for usage.

class telepot.loop.OrderedWebhook(bot, handle=None)[source]
run_forever(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Parameters:maxhold (float) – The maximum number of seconds an update is held waiting for a not-yet-arrived smaller update_id. When this number of seconds is up, the update is delivered to the message-handling function even if some smaller update_ids have not yet arrived. If those smaller update_ids arrive at some later time, they are discarded.

Calling this method will block forever. Use run_as_thread() to run it non-blockingly.


One of these:

  • str, bytes (Python 3, decoded using UTF-8) representing a JSON-serialized Update object.
  • a dict representing an Update object.
run_as_thread(*args, **kwargs)
class telepot.loop.Webhook(bot, handle=None)[source]
run_as_thread(*args, **kwargs)



Return flavor of message or event.

A message’s flavor may be one of these:

  • chat
  • callback_query
  • inline_query
  • chosen_inline_result
  • shipping_query
  • pre_checkout_query
  • passport_data
  • poll_data

An event’s flavor is determined by the single top-level key.

telepot.glance(msg, flavor='chat', long=False)[source]

Extract “headline” info about a message. Use parameter long to control whether a short or long tuple is returned.

When flavor is chat (msg being a Message object):

  • short: (content_type, msg['chat']['type'], msg['chat']['id'])
  • long: (content_type, msg['chat']['type'], msg['chat']['id'], msg['date'], msg['message_id'])

content_type can be: text, audio, document, game, photo, sticker, video, voice, video_note, contact, location, venue, new_chat_member, left_chat_member, new_chat_title, new_chat_photo, delete_chat_photo, group_chat_created, supergroup_chat_created, channel_chat_created, migrate_to_chat_id, migrate_from_chat_id, pinned_message, new_chat_members, invoice, successful_payment, animation, passport_data, poll_data.

When flavor is callback_query (msg being a CallbackQuery object):

  • regardless: (msg['id'], msg['from']['id'], msg['data'])

When flavor is inline_query (msg being a InlineQuery object):

  • short: (msg['id'], msg['from']['id'], msg['query'])
  • long: (msg['id'], msg['from']['id'], msg['query'], msg['offset'])

When flavor is chosen_inline_result (msg being a ChosenInlineResult object):

  • regardless: (msg['result_id'], msg['from']['id'], msg['query'])

When flavor is shipping_query (msg being a ShippingQuery object):

  • regardless: (msg['id'], msg['from']['id'], msg['invoice_payload'])

When flavor is pre_checkout_query (msg being a PreCheckoutQuery object):

  • short: (msg['id'], msg['from']['id'], msg['invoice_payload'])
  • long: (msg['id'], msg['from']['id'], msg['invoice_payload'], msg['currency'], msg['total_amount'])

When flavor is all_passport_data (msg being a PassportData object):

When flavor is poll_data (msg being a Poll object):

  • Anonymous Polls: (msg['poll_id'], msg['option_ids'], ``msg['user']['id'])
  • Unanonymours Polls: ( msg['id'], other_data )
telepot.flance(msg, long=False)[source]

A combination of telepot.flavor() and telepot.glance(), return a 2-tuple (flavor, headline_info), where headline_info is whatever extracted by telepot.glance() depending on the message flavor and the long parameter.


Remove an event’s top-level skin (where its flavor is determined), and return the core content.


A combination of telepot.flavor() and telepot.peel(), return a 2-tuple (flavor, content) of an event.


Return whether the message looks like an event. That is, whether it has a flavor that starts with an underscore.


Extract an identifier for message editing. Useful with telepot.Bot.editMessageText() and similar methods. Returned value is guaranteed to be a tuple.

msg is expected to be chat or choson_inline_result.


Extract the message identifier of a callback query’s origin. Returned value is guaranteed to be a tuple.

msg is expected to be callback_query.


class telepot.DelegatorBot(token, delegation_patterns)[source]
Parameters:delegation_patterns – a list of (seeder, delegator) tuples.

A seeder is a function that:

  • takes one argument - a message

  • returns a seed. Depending on the nature of the seed, behavior is as follows:
    • if the seed is a hashable (e.g. number, string, tuple), it looks for a delegate associated with the seed. (Think of a dictionary of {seed: delegate})

      • if such a delegate exists and is alive, it is assumed that the message will be picked up by the delegate. Nothing more is done.
      • if no delegate exists or that delegate is no longer alive, a new delegate is obtained by calling the delegator function. The new delegate is associated with the seed.
      • In essence, when the seed is a hashable, only one delegate is running for a given seed.
    • if the seed is a non-hashable, (e.g. list), a new delegate is always obtained by calling the delegator function. No seed-delegate association occurs.

    • if the seed is None, nothing is done.

A delegator is a function that:

  • takes one argument - a (bot, message, seed) tuple. This is called a seed tuple.
  • returns a delegate, which can be one of the following:
    • an object that has methods start() and is_alive(). Therefore, a threading.Thread object is a natural delegate. Once returned, the object’s start() method is called.
    • a function. Once returned, it is wrapped in a Thread(target=function) and started.
    • a (function, args, kwargs) tuple. Once returned, it is wrapped in a Thread(target=function, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) and started.

The above logic is implemented in the handle method. You only have to create a MessageLoop with no callback argument, the above logic will be executed for every message received.

In the list of delegation patterns, all seeder functions are evaluated in order. One message may start multiple delegates.

The module telepot.delegate has a bunch of seeder factories and delegator factories, which greatly ease the use of DelegatorBot. The module telepot.helper also has a number of *Handler classes which provide a connection-like interface to deal with individual chats or users.

I have given an answer on Stack Overflow which elaborates on the inner workings of DelegatorBot in greater details. Interested readers are encouraged to read that.

In the rest of discussions, seed tuple means a (bot, message, seed) tuple, referring to the single argument taken by delegator functions.


Parameters:typesall or a list of chat types (private, group, channel)
Returns:a seeder function that returns the chat id only if the chat type is in types.
telepot.delegate.per_chat_id_in(s, types='all')[source]
  • s – a list or set of chat id
  • typesall or a list of chat types (private, group, channel)

a seeder function that returns the chat id only if the chat id is in s and chat type is in types.

telepot.delegate.per_chat_id_except(s, types='all')[source]
  • s – a list or set of chat id
  • typesall or a list of chat types (private, group, channel)

a seeder function that returns the chat id only if the chat id is not in s and chat type is in types.

telepot.delegate.per_from_id(flavors=['chat', 'inline_query', 'chosen_inline_result'])[source]
Parameters:flavorsall or a list of flavors
Returns:a seeder function that returns the from id only if the message flavor is in flavors.
telepot.delegate.per_from_id_in(s, flavors=['chat', 'inline_query', 'chosen_inline_result'])[source]
  • s – a list or set of from id
  • flavorsall or a list of flavors

a seeder function that returns the from id only if the from id is in s and message flavor is in flavors.

telepot.delegate.per_from_id_except(s, flavors=['chat', 'inline_query', 'chosen_inline_result'])[source]
  • s – a list or set of from id
  • flavorsall or a list of flavors

a seeder function that returns the from id only if the from id is not in s and message flavor is in flavors.

Returns:a seeder function that returns the from id only if the message flavor is inline_query or chosen_inline_result
Parameters:s – a list or set of from id
Returns:a seeder function that returns the from id only if the message flavor is inline_query or chosen_inline_result and the from id is in s.
Parameters:s – a list or set of from id
Returns:a seeder function that returns the from id only if the message flavor is inline_query or chosen_inline_result and the from id is not in s.
Returns:a seeder function that always returns 1, ensuring at most one delegate is ever spawned for the entire application.
Parameters:flavorsall or a list of flavors
Returns:a seeder function that returns a non-hashable only if the message flavor is in flavors.
Returns:a seeder function that returns an event’s source id only if that event’s source space equals to event_space.
Parameters:typesall or a list of chat types (private, group, channel)
Returns:a seeder function that returns a callback query’s originating chat id if the chat type is in types.
Parameters:originsall or a list of origin types (chat, inline)
Returns:a seeder function that returns a callback query’s origin identifier if that origin type is in origins. The origin identifier is guaranteed to be a tuple.
Returns:a seeder function that returns the invoice payload., *args, **kwargs)[source]
Returns:a delegator function that returns a tuple (func, (seed tuple,)+ args, kwargs). That is, seed tuple is inserted before supplied positional arguments. By default, a thread wrapping func and all those arguments is spawned.
telepot.delegate.create_run(cls, *args, **kwargs)[source]
Returns:a delegator function that calls the cls constructor whose arguments being a seed tuple followed by supplied *args and **kwargs, then returns the object’s run method. By default, a thread wrapping that run method is spawned.
telepot.delegate.create_open(cls, *args, **kwargs)[source]
Returns:a delegator function that calls the cls constructor whose arguments being a seed tuple followed by supplied *args and **kwargs, then returns a looping function that uses the object’s listener to wait for messages and invokes instance method open, on_message, and on_close accordingly. By default, a thread wrapping that looping function is spawned.
telepot.delegate.until(condition, fns)[source]

Try a list of seeder functions until a condition is met.

  • condition – a function that takes one argument - a seed - and returns True or False
  • fns – a list of seeder functions

a “composite” seeder function that calls each supplied function in turn, and returns the first seed where the condition is met. If the condition is never met, it returns None.

Returns:a “composite” seeder function that calls each supplied function in turn, and returns the first seed that is not None.
telepot.delegate.pair(seeders, delegator_factory, *args, **kwargs)[source]

The basic pair producer.

Returns:a (seeder, delegator_factory(*args, **kwargs)) tuple.
Parameters:seeders – If it is a seeder function or a list of one seeder function, it is returned as the final seeder. If it is a list of more than one seeder function, they are chained together before returned as the final seeder.
telepot.delegate.pave_event_space(fn=<function pair>)[source]
Returns:a pair producer that ensures the seeder and delegator share the same event space.
telepot.delegate.include_callback_query_chat_id(fn=<function pair>, types='all')[source]
Returns:a pair producer that enables static callback query capturing across seeder and delegator.
Parameters:typesall or a list of chat types (private, group, channel)
telepot.delegate.intercept_callback_query_origin(fn=<function pair>, origins='all')[source]
Returns:a pair producer that enables dynamic callback query origin mapping across seeder and delegator.
Parameters:originsall or a list of origin types (chat, inline). Origin mapping is only enabled for specified origin types.



class telepot.helper.Monitor(seed_tuple, capture, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: telepot.helper.ListenerContext, telepot.helper.DefaultRouterMixin

A delegate that never times-out, probably doing some kind of background monitoring in the application. Most naturally paired with per_application().

Parameters:capture – a list of patterns for Listener to capture
class telepot.helper.ChatHandler(seed_tuple, include_callback_query=False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: telepot.helper.ChatContext, telepot.helper.DefaultRouterMixin, telepot.helper.StandardEventMixin, telepot.helper.IdleTerminateMixin

A delegate to handle a chat.

class telepot.helper.UserHandler(seed_tuple, include_callback_query=False, flavors=['chat', 'inline_query', 'chosen_inline_result'], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: telepot.helper.UserContext, telepot.helper.DefaultRouterMixin, telepot.helper.StandardEventMixin, telepot.helper.IdleTerminateMixin

A delegate to handle a user’s actions.

Parameters:flavors – A list of flavors to capture. all covers all flavors.
class telepot.helper.InlineUserHandler(seed_tuple, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: telepot.helper.UserHandler

A delegate to handle a user’s inline-related actions.

class telepot.helper.CallbackQueryOriginHandler(seed_tuple, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: telepot.helper.CallbackQueryOriginContext, telepot.helper.DefaultRouterMixin, telepot.helper.StandardEventMixin, telepot.helper.IdleTerminateMixin

A delegate to handle callback query from one origin.

class telepot.helper.InvoiceHandler(seed_tuple, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: telepot.helper.InvoiceContext, telepot.helper.DefaultRouterMixin, telepot.helper.StandardEventMixin, telepot.helper.IdleTerminateMixin

A delegate to handle messages related to an invoice.


class telepot.helper.ListenerContext(bot, context_id, *args, **kwargs)[source]

The underlying Bot or an augmented version thereof


See Listener

class telepot.helper.ChatContext(bot, context_id, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: telepot.helper.ListenerContext


A Sender for this chat


An Administrator for this chat

class telepot.helper.UserContext(bot, context_id, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: telepot.helper.ListenerContext


A Sender for this user

class telepot.helper.CallbackQueryOriginContext(bot, context_id, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: telepot.helper.ListenerContext


Mesasge identifier of callback query’s origin


An Editor to the originating message

class telepot.helper.InvoiceContext(bot, context_id, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: telepot.helper.ListenerContext

class telepot.helper.Sender(bot, chat_id)[source]

When you are dealing with a particular chat, it is tedious to have to supply the same chat_id every time to send a message, or to send anything.

This object is a proxy to a bot’s send* and forwardMessage methods, automatically fills in a fixed chat id for you. Available methods have identical signatures as those of the underlying bot, except there is no need to supply the aforementioned chat_id:

class telepot.helper.Administrator(bot, chat_id)[source]

When you are dealing with a particular chat, it is tedious to have to supply the same chat_id every time to get a chat’s info or to perform administrative tasks.

This object is a proxy to a bot’s chat administration methods, automatically fills in a fixed chat id for you. Available methods have identical signatures as those of the underlying bot, except there is no need to supply the aforementioned chat_id:

class telepot.helper.Editor(bot, msg_identifier)[source]

If you want to edit a message over and over, it is tedious to have to supply the same msg_identifier every time.

This object is a proxy to a bot’s message-editing methods, automatically fills in a fixed message identifier for you. Available methods have identical signatures as those of the underlying bot, except there is no need to supply the aforementioned msg_identifier:

A message’s identifier can be easily extracted with telepot.message_identifier().

Parameters:msg_identifier – a message identifier as mentioned above, or a message (whose identifier will be automatically extracted).
class telepot.helper.Listener(mic, q)[source]

Add a pattern to capture.

Parameters:pattern – a list of templates.
A template may be a function that:
  • takes one argument - a message
  • returns True to indicate a match
A template may also be a dictionary whose:
  • keys are used to select parts of message. Can be strings or regular expressions (as obtained by re.compile())
  • values are used to match against the selected parts. Can be typical data or a function.

All templates must produce a match for a message to be considered a match.


Block until a matched message appears.


class telepot.helper.Router(key_function, routing_table)[source]

Map a message to a handler function, using a key function and a routing table (dictionary).

A key function digests a message down to a value. This value is treated as a key to the routing table to look up a corresponding handler function.

  • key_function

    A function that takes one argument (the message) and returns one of the following:

    • a key to the routing table
    • a 1-tuple (key,)
    • a 2-tuple (key, (positional, arguments, …))
    • a 3-tuple (key, (positional, arguments, …), {keyword: arguments, …})

    Extra arguments, if returned, will be applied to the handler function after using the key to look up the routing table.

  • routing_table – A dictionary of {key: handler}. A None key acts as a default catch-all. If the key being looked up does not exist in the routing table, the None key and its corresponding handler is used.

Apply key function to msg to obtain a key. Return the routing table entry.

route(msg, *aa, **kw)[source]

Apply key function to msg to obtain a key, look up routing table to obtain a handler function, then call the handler function with positional and keyword arguments, if any is returned by the key function.

*aa and **kw are dummy placeholders for easy chaining. Regardless of any number of arguments returned by the key function, multi-level routing may be achieved like this:

top_router.routing_table['key1'] = sub_router1.route
top_router.routing_table['key2'] = sub_router2.route
class telepot.helper.DefaultRouterMixin(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Install a default Router and the instance method on_message().


Call Router.route() to handle the message.

class telepot.helper.StandardEventScheduler(scheduler, event_space, source_id)[source]

A proxy to the underlying Bot’s scheduler, this object implements the standard event format. A standard event looks like this:

{'_flavor': {
    'source': {
        'space': event_space, 'id': source_id}
    'custom_key1': custom_value1,
    'custom_key2': custom_value2,
     ... }}
  • There is a single top-level key indicating the flavor, starting with an _underscore.
  • On the second level, there is a source key indicating the event source.
  • An event source consists of an event space and a source id.
  • An event space is shared by all delegates in a group. Source id simply refers to a delegate’s id. They combine to ensure a delegate is always able to capture its own events, while its own events would not be mistakenly captured by others.

Events scheduled through this object always have the second-level source key fixed, while the flavor and other data may be customized.


Configure a Listener to capture events with this object’s event space and source id.

make_event_data(flavor, data)[source]

Marshall flavor and data into a standard event.

event_at(when, data_tuple)[source]

Schedule an event to be emitted at a certain time.

  • when – an absolute timestamp
  • data_tuple – a 2-tuple (flavor, data)

an event object, useful for cancelling.

event_later(delay, data_tuple)[source]

Schedule an event to be emitted after a delay.

  • delay – number of seconds
  • data_tuple – a 2-tuple (flavor, data)

an event object, useful for cancelling.


Schedule an event to be emitted now.

Parameters:data_tuple – a 2-tuple (flavor, data)
Returns:an event object, useful for cancelling.

Cancel an event.

class telepot.helper.StandardEventMixin(event_space, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Install a StandardEventScheduler.

class telepot.helper.IdleEventCoordinator(scheduler, timeout)[source]

Refresh timeout timer

Returns:a function wrapping handler to refresh timer for every non-event message
Returns:a function wrapping handler to cancel timeout event
class telepot.helper.IdleTerminateMixin(timeout, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Install an IdleEventCoordinator to manage idle timeout. Also define instance method on__idle() to handle idle timeout events.


Raise an IdleTerminate to close the delegate.

class telepot.helper.CallbackQueryCoordinator(id, origin_set, enable_chat, enable_inline)[source]
  • origin_set – Callback query whose origin belongs to this set will be captured
  • enable_chat
    • False: Do not intercept chat-originated callback query
    • True: Do intercept
    • Notifier function: Do intercept and call the notifier function on adding or removing an origin
  • enable_inline – Same meaning as enable_chat, but apply to inline-originated callback query

Notifier functions should have the signature notifier(origin, id, adding):

  • On adding an origin, notifier(origin, my_id, True) will be called.
  • On removing an origin, notifier(origin, my_id, False) will be called.

Configure a Listener to capture callback query

capture_origin(msg_identifier, notify=True)[source]
uncapture_origin(msg_identifier, notify=True)[source]
Parameters:send_func – a function that sends messages, such as Bot.send*()
Returns:a function that wraps around send_func and examines whether the sent message contains an inline keyboard with callback data. If so, future callback query originating from the sent message will be captured.
Parameters:edit_func – a function that edits messages, such as Bot.edit*()
Returns:a function that wraps around edit_func and examines whether the edited message contains an inline keyboard with callback data. If so, future callback query originating from the edited message will be captured. If not, such capturing will be stopped.
Parameters:delete_func – a function that deletes messages, such as Bot.deleteMessage()
Returns:a function that wraps around delete_func and stops capturing callback query originating from that deleted message.
Parameters:handler – an on_message() handler function
Returns:a function that wraps around handler and examines whether the incoming message is a chosen inline result with an inline_message_id field. If so, future callback query originating from this chosen inline result will be captured.
Returns:a proxy to bot with these modifications:
class telepot.helper.InterceptCallbackQueryMixin(intercept_callback_query, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Install a CallbackQueryCoordinator to capture callback query dynamically.

Using this mixin has one consequence. The property no longer returns the original Bot object. Instead, it returns an augmented version of the Bot (augmented by CallbackQueryCoordinator). The original Bot can be accessed with self.__bot (double underscore).

Parameters:intercept_callback_query – a 2-tuple (enable_chat, enable_inline) to pass to CallbackQueryCoordinator
class telepot.helper.Answerer(bot)[source]

When processing inline queries, ensure at most one active thread per user id.

answer(inline_query, compute_fn, *compute_args, **compute_kwargs)[source]

Spawns a thread that calls compute fn (along with additional arguments *compute_args and **compute_kwargs), then applies the returned value to Bot.answerInlineQuery() to answer the inline query. If a preceding thread is already working for a user, that thread is cancelled, thus ensuring at most one active thread per user id.

  • inline_query – The inline query to be processed. The originating user is inferred from msg['from']['id'].
  • compute_fn

    A thread-safe function whose returned value is given to Bot.answerInlineQuery() to send. May return:

  • *compute_args – positional arguments to compute_fn
  • **compute_kwargs – keyword arguments to compute_fn
class telepot.helper.AnswererMixin(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Install an Answerer to handle inline query.



class telepot.helper.SafeDict(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A subclass of dict, thread-safety added:

d = SafeDict()  # Thread-safe operations include:
d['a'] = 3      # key assignment
d['a']          # key retrieval
del d['a']      # key deletion

A class decorator to fill in certain methods and properties to ensure a class can be used by create_open().

These instance methods and property will be added, if not defined by the class:

  • open(self, initial_msg, seed)
  • on_message(self, msg)
  • on_close(self, ex)
  • close(self, ex=None)
  • property listener


exception telepot.exception.TelepotException[source]

Base class of following exceptions.

exception telepot.exception.BadFlavor(offender)[source]
exception telepot.exception.BadHTTPResponse(status, text, response)[source]

All requests to Bot API should result in a JSON response. If non-JSON, this exception is raised. While it is hard to pinpoint exactly when this might happen, the following situations have been observed to give rise to it:

  • an unreasonable token, e.g. abc, 123, anything that does not even remotely resemble a correct token.
  • a bad gateway, e.g. when Telegram servers are down.
exception telepot.exception.EventNotFound(event)[source]
exception telepot.exception.WaitTooLong(seconds)[source]
exception telepot.exception.IdleTerminate(seconds)[source]
exception telepot.exception.StopListening[source]
exception telepot.exception.TelegramError(description, error_code, json)[source]

To indicate erroneous situations, Telegram returns a JSON object containing an error code and a description. This will cause a TelegramError to be raised. Before raising a generic TelegramError, telepot looks for a more specific subclass that “matches” the error. If such a class exists, an exception of that specific subclass is raised. This allows you to either catch specific errors or to cast a wide net (by a catch-all TelegramError). This also allows you to incorporate custom TelegramError easily.

Subclasses must define a class variable DESCRIPTION_PATTERNS which is a list of regular expressions. If an error’s description matches any of the regular expressions, an exception of that subclass is raised.

exception telepot.exception.UnauthorizedError(description, error_code, json)[source]
DESCRIPTION_PATTERNS = ['unauthorized']
exception telepot.exception.BotWasKickedError(description, error_code, json)[source]
DESCRIPTION_PATTERNS = ['bot.*kicked']
exception telepot.exception.BotWasBlockedError(description, error_code, json)[source]
DESCRIPTION_PATTERNS = ['bot.*blocked']
exception telepot.exception.TooManyRequestsError(description, error_code, json)[source]
DESCRIPTION_PATTERNS = ['too *many *requests']
exception telepot.exception.MigratedToSupergroupChatError(description, error_code, json)[source]
DESCRIPTION_PATTERNS = ['migrated.*supergroup *chat']
exception telepot.exception.NotEnoughRightsError(description, error_code, json)[source]
DESCRIPTION_PATTERNS = ['not *enough *rights']
exception telepot.exception.DecryptionError(message)[source]


Telepot’s custom is to represent Bot API object as dictionary. On the other hand, the module telepot.namedtuple also provide namedtuple classes mirroring those objects. The reasons are twofold:

  1. Under some situations, you may want an object with a complete set of fields, including those whose values are None. A dictionary translated from Bot API’s response would have those None fields absent. By converting such a dictionary to a namedtuple, all fields are guaranteed to be present, even if their values are None. This usage is for incoming objects received from Telegram servers.
  2. Namedtuple allows easier construction of objects like ReplyKeyboardMarkup, InlineKeyboardMarkup, and various InlineQueryResult, etc. This usage is for outgoing objects sent to Telegram servers.

Incoming objects include:

Outgoing objects include:


This module has a bunch of key function factories and routing table factories to facilitate the use of Router.

Things to remember:

  1. A key function takes one argument - the message, and returns a key, optionally followed by positional arguments and keyword arguments.
  2. A routing table is just a dictionary. After obtaining one from a factory function, you can customize it to your liking.
Returns:A key function that returns a 2-tuple (content_type, (msg[content_type],)). In plain English, it returns the message’s content type as the key, and the corresponding content as a positional argument to the handler function.
telepot.routing.by_command(extractor, prefix=('/', ), separator=' ', pass_args=False)[source]
  • extractor – a function that takes one argument (the message) and returns a portion of message to be interpreted. To extract the text of a chat message, use lambda msg: msg['text'].
  • prefix – a list of special characters expected to indicate the head of a command.
  • separator – a command may be followed by arguments separated by separator.
  • pass_args (bool) – If True, arguments following a command will be passed to the handler function.

a key function that interprets a specific part of a message and returns the embedded command, optionally followed by arguments. If the text is not preceded by any of the specified prefix, it returns a 1-tuple (None,) as the key. This is to distinguish with the special None key in routing table.

telepot.routing.by_chat_command(prefix=('/', ), separator=' ', pass_args=False)[source]
  • prefix – a list of special characters expected to indicate the head of a command.
  • separator – a command may be followed by arguments separated by separator.
  • pass_args (bool) – If True, arguments following a command will be passed to the handler function.

a key function that interprets a chat message’s text and returns the embedded command, optionally followed by arguments. If the text is not preceded by any of the specified prefix, it returns a 1-tuple (None,) as the key. This is to distinguish with the special None key in routing table.

Returns:a key function that returns a message’s text field.
Returns:a key function that returns a message’s data field.
telepot.routing.by_regex(extractor, regex, key=1)[source]
  • extractor – a function that takes one argument (the message) and returns a portion of message to be interpreted. To extract the text of a chat message, use lambda msg: msg['text'].
  • regex (str or regex object) – the pattern to look for
  • key – the part of match object to be used as key

a key function that returns as key (where match is the match object) and the match object as a positional argument. If no match is found, it returns a 1-tuple (None,) as the key. This is to distinguish with the special None key in routing table.

telepot.routing.process_key(processor, fn)[source]
  • processor – a function to process the key returned by the supplied key function
  • fn – a key function

a function that wraps around the supplied key function to further process the key before returning.

Parameters:fn – a key function
Returns:a function that wraps around the supplied key function to ensure the returned key is in lowercase.
Parameters:fn – a key function
Returns:a function that wraps around the supplied key function to ensure the returned key is in uppercase.
telepot.routing.make_routing_table(obj, keys, prefix='on_')[source]

a dictionary roughly equivalent to {'key1': obj.on_key1, 'key2': obj.on_key2, ...}, but obj does not have to define all methods. It may define the needed ones only.

  • obj – the object
  • keys – a list of keys
  • prefix – a string to be prepended to keys to make method names
telepot.routing.make_content_type_routing_table(obj, prefix='on_')[source]

a dictionary covering all available content types, roughly equivalent to {'text': obj.on_text, 'photo': obj.on_photo, ...}, but obj does not have to define all methods. It may define the needed ones only.

  • obj – the object
  • prefix – a string to be prepended to content types to make method names


telepot.text.apply_entities_as_markdown(text, entities)[source]

Format text as Markdown. Also take care of escaping special characters. Returned value can be passed to Bot.sendMessage() with appropriate parse_mode.

  • text – plain text
  • entities

    a list of MessageEntity objects

telepot.text.apply_entities_as_html(text, entities)[source]

Format text as HTML. Also take care of escaping special characters. Returned value can be passed to Bot.sendMessage() with appropriate parse_mode.

  • text – plain text
  • entities

    a list of MessageEntity objects


telepot.api.set_proxy(url, basic_auth=None)[source]

Access Bot API through a proxy.

  • url – proxy URL
  • basic_auth – 2-tuple ('username', 'password')